On 10/30/2017 04:52 PM, Simon Sapin wrote:
On 30/10/17 15:05, smaug wrote:
And let's be careful with the new C++ features, pretty please. We
managed to not be careful when we started to use auto, or ranged-for
or lambdas. I'd prefer to not fix more security critical bugs or
memory leaks just because of fancy hip and cool language features ;)

Careful how? How do new language features lead to security bugs? Is new 
compiler code not as well tested and could have miscompiles? Are specific
features easy to misuse?

With auto we've managed to hide the ownership of some objects from 
reader/reviewer (and I guess also from the patch author),
and this has lead to both to security issues and memory leaks.

Ranged-for lead to security critical crashes when we converted some old style
for (i = 0; i < array.Length(); ++i) to use it, since ranged-for doesn't play 
well when the array changes underneath you.
These days we crash safely there.

With lambdas understanding who owns what becomes harder, and before some 
checks, we had (I think rather short while) issues when
there was a raw pointer to a refcounted object captured in a lambda and the 
lambda was then dispatched to the event loop.
Nothing guaranteed the captured object to stay alive.

Basically, some "new" features have hidden important aspects of the lifetime 
management of objects, and by
doing that, made it easier to write broken code and harder by the reviewers to 
catch the mistakes.

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