On 10/21/2017 01:14 PM, Philipp Kewisch wrote:
On 10/20/17 7:47 PM, Dave Townsend wrote:
For some time now we've been talking about moving away from XUL and XBL.
The browser architecture team has been hard at work figuring out how to go
about doing that and we're ready to share the first of our proposals more
widely. We have developed a plan to remove XBL from Firefox. It's been
through a successful design review with some of the key engineers and now
is the time for more comments if you have them. We're planning to start some
of the work this quarter with it really ramping up next quarter.

Take a look at the plan
and let us know what you think. There are a couple of areas where we are
still investigating concerns:

I very much welcome this plan, especially the fact that Web Components
is part of the replacement. Last time I asked, it sounded like Web
Components was still on the way of being reimplemented and pending some
spec work. In following the webcomponents bug I see there has been
constant progress.

Nevertheless, I'd appreciate if someone could comment on how far along
the Web Components implementation is. Is it now following the agreed
upon version of the spec (I suspect yes), and is the implementation
stable enough that you would consider it ready to ship? What is the next
big milestone for Web Components?

Custom elements implementation is quite close to be ready, and the spec should 
reasonable stable too. There are some bugs and some performance work in the 

Shadow DOM is further behind, especially the implementation, but also the specs 
tend to
have issues with it, so getting interoperable implementation with other 
browsers will be a tad
harder. I'm still optimisticly thinking we could have Shadow DOM (for the web) 
in Nightly by the end of the year -
depends on how much we can focus on it during November.

Thunderbird/Lightning uses a lot of XBL components as well that I would
love to get rid of, I am looking forward to making things more
compatible with the future.


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