On 10/18/2017 08:08 AM, Jet Villegas wrote:
SGTM. BTW, bug 143038 was filed 16 years ago. Is that a bugzilla record for
oldest fixed bug?
whoohoo, didn't realize it was that old.
One day I'll start reading the bugs I review ;)
That is, do I owe you another steak? :-)
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
From some users who use legacy mice which supports only vertical wheel, we
have a request to support horizontal scroll with vertical wheel operation
with a modifier.
Now, legacy add-ons have gone since 57 and it may be difficult to override
default action of wheel events with WebExtensions, it is the time to
support horizontal scroll with vertical wheel operation with Shift key.
This will be enabled in default settings except on macOS. The reason why
we don't need to use this feature on macOS is, macOS generates horizontal
wheel event if user uses legacy mouse and pressing Shift key.
And default action of wheel with Alt key is changed to history navigation
which is default action of wheel with Shift key in current release build.
So, now, we have consistent behavior between Firefox for macOS and the
Note that this feature won't be exposed to attributes of "wheel" events.
This is just a default action change and same behavior as Chrome.
Masayuki Nakano <masay...@d-toybox.com>
Software Engineer, Mozilla
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