On 09/28/2017 11:00 AM, Wei-Cheng Pan wrote:
> Hi,
> This week I landed bug 1363805[1], which will skip restyling if the
> element does
> not need that for getting correct value. Normal users should not notice any
> difference, but this change may affect some test cases which need to force
> restyle.

Awesome! Thanks a lot for getting that landed, I know it was harder than
expected! :)

Just for the record, I happened to be looking at Blink code for
unrelated reasons, and found that we can probably optimize layout
flushes a bit better too.

I filed bug 1404140 with the details. I'll try to look at it, but I'm
probably not going to be able to fix it in the short-term. If you or
someone else can grab it sooner that would be absolutely lovely!

 -- Emilio

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