Kartikaya Gupta <mailto:kgu...@mozilla.com>
2017 September 26 at 08:49
So from the discussion here it sounds like using a full (i.e.
non-grafted) cinnabar repository "just works" for most people. It has
the problem of missing CVS history but it seems like people who need
that often can use searchfox and/or a gecko-dev branch in a cinnabar
repo to get it.
Yes, and can we also integrate CVS history into a full cinnabar
repository like mozilla/gecko using Git's "replace" command.
And we have mozilla/gecko on github which is a cinnabar mirror.
However this mirror is not "officially" supported (i.e. it's updated
by Myk but not by Release Operations). It also doesn't seem to have
branches for inbound/autoland.
Right, mozilla/gecko is unofficial and synced by me. See wikimo's
<https://wiki.mozilla.org/GitHub/Gecko_Repositories> for more details on
the differences between mozilla/[gecko-dev|gecko-projects|gecko].
And indeed, it doesn't have branches for inbound nor autoland. Adding
those would be trivial, if they're useful, although it isn't clear how
useful they can be until cinnabar metadata is syncable (in cinnabar 0.5?).
So it seems to me that the next step is to have the operations team
take over ownership of the mozilla/gecko mirror. dhouse, do you know
what the process would be for that? I'm guessing this just involves
running a cinnabar conversion and pushing to github on a cron job, but
Myk can provide more details, assuming he agrees this is what we want
to do.
I would be happy for the operations team to take over syncing of the
mozilla/gecko mirror. My process for doing so is trivial, effectively just:
git checkout central && git pull && git push upstream central:central
Where "central" is a local branch whose upstream branch is the
branches/default/tip branch on the
hg::https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central remote (fetched with
cinnabar), and "upstream" is the g...@github.com:mozilla/gecko.git remote.
There are some additional details to work out: whether to maintain the
option to use mozilla/gecko as a hub for shared development on feature
branches, whether to sync tags to the repo (which are synced differently
in cinnabar 0.5), which additional repos to sync, etc. I'm happy to chat
through those with someone as appropriate.
Eventually once cinnabar supports storing metadata in the repo
we'll want that pushed to the github repo as well.
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