So I'm going to chime in on a formatting discussion for probably the second
time in my life as a mozillian. (It's apparently that important to me.)

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Mats Palmgren <> wrote:

> 2. touching more lines than necessary when adding/removing params,
>    making it harder to follow blame links
> Judging from my personal use of blame links, it's very rare that
> I want to find when a specific param was added to a signature.
> This is also something that tooling could solve (skip blame on
> lines that differ only by whitespace).

This is probably half the time I annotate something (I refuse to use the b
word here). Use cases differ, and for a lot of what I find myself doing,
this would make it demonstrably worse.

> I think improved readability trumps all of the minor issues above.

Readability is (to an extent) in the eye of the beholder. For example, I
have a difficult time following long gaps in things... so vertically
aligned parameters, where one of them has an extra-long type name (which
also seems to happen a lot in things I'm working with) become exceedingly
difficult for me to match type and name quickly. (Yes, there are editor
tricks to help with this, and yes I use them, but they still only get me so
far when I'm quickly scanning code).
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