Even when I got the chunk numbers, specifying chunk numbers of mochitests wouldn't work, see this log:
After that, I needed to rerun mochitests with |-u mochitests|. IIRC, I tried to kick the specific chunks with "Add new jobs", but didn't work. And also, when I try to investigate random oranges which are not reproducible on my environments, I want an option like |--run-until-failure| and |--repeat REPEAT| in the try syntax. Because of no such options, I need to trigger a lot of jobs manually and that may/might cause too many oranges.

On 9/15/2017 1:21 AM, Kyle Lahnakoski wrote:

You can try ActiveData, which stores all test results from the past few
weeks.  Here is an example query that shows the chunk number for each
run/build combo in the past day.  ActiveData is sometimes more than a
day behind



On 2017-09-14 11:49, Michael de Boer wrote:
On 14 Sep 2017, at 17:48, Marco Bonardo <mbona...@mozilla.com> wrote:

When I need to retrigger a mochitest-browser test multiple times (to
investigate an intermittent), often I end up running all the
mochitest-browser tests, looking at every log until I find the chunk
where the test is, and retrigger just that chunk. The chunk number
changes based on the platform and debug/opt, so it's painful.
Is there a way to trigger only the chunk that will contain a given
test, so I can save running all of the other chunks?
This! This! This! I’d love to be able to do this - would making testing 
possible test failure fixes sooo much easier.



Masayuki Nakano <mnak...@mozilla.com>
Software Engineer, Mozilla
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