Some context:
- As part of Firefox 57 no longer supporting legacy (non web extension)
add-ons, the `extensions.legacy.enabled` preference was flipped to false in
the Aug 11th Nightly build [1].
- Several backwards incompatible changes have already been made to Nightly
that can break legacy extensions [2].
- The reasoning for the above being that it was desirable to spend as much
of the cycle as possible testing what we're actually going to ship to
end-users in the final 57 release.
- The authors of even some of the most popular extensions have said they
are targeting their finished web extensions at either Firefox 57's release
(>2017-11-14) or when it's in beta (>2017-09-20), rather than now.

For the short term, Nightly users therefore have the following options:
a) Use latest nightly with legacy extensions disabled, and make do without
their extensions.
b) Flip the preference back so the legacy extensions are still loaded.
(However several extensions have already stopped working due to the
non-backwards compatible API changes.)
c) Disable Nightly updates and remain on a Nightly build prior to the
2017-08-11 release.
d) Switch to the beta/release channel. (Some extension authors have been
recommending their users do this sadly)

I've been using the Nightly channel for something like 8 years and normally
have no issue with the regressions that are expected on that channel - but
even for me, option (a) above is a complete non-starter [3]. I'm first
going to try (b), however one of my extensions is already broken (password
manager) only a few days in, and so it's likely that I'll end up having to
fall back to (c).

I'm concerned that there may be many other Nightly users out there who
similarly pick (c)/(d) and thereby reduce our Nightly coverage temporarily,
just as we need it most.


1) Were there any estimates about how many Nightly users we think might
either disable updates or switch to the beta channel as a result of the
above? (Especially given recent efforts to try and build up Nightly ADUs,
which may end up being undone)

2) Whilst we have ADUs for Nightly as a whole, are we actively tracking how
many people are running the latest build, so can tell how many people do

3) Whilst "testing what we're going to ship in release" and/or giving
extension authors a final "yes we're really doing this in 57" nudge to work
on their web extensions is important, where do we see the tipping point
between that and the loss of coverage from reduced Nightly coverage? Should
we hold off making any more of the backwards-incompatible API changes until
later in the 57 cycle?

4) Even for extensions that already have WIP web extension variants (eg
Adblock [4]), the add-ons manager doesn't automatically upgrade or suggest
a link to them currently. This seems like a quick win to both retain
Nightly users and increase testing of the web extension APIs (and something
we should have done before the breaking API changes IMO). Can we add extra
resources for driving this?

Many thanks,


[3] For me NoScript and Adblock are essential for securely browsing; the
former doesn't yet have a full web extension variant.
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