FWIW, I share Steve's broad concerns here. Mozilla's track record on
extension APIs has had many dead-ends and changes of direction. Now that
we're wiping the slate clean, it would be good to not repeat history.


On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 3:02 AM, Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 07/26/2017 10:45 PM, Andrew Swan wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com <mailto:
>> sf...@mozilla.com>> wrote:
>>     This thread worries me greatly. Somebody tell me we have a plan
>>     and policy around this already. Please?
>> We might, but I'm not sure what "this" you're concerned about.  Whether
>> API names should be prefixed?  Or whether we should expose things at all
>> that are unique to gecko/firefox to extensions?  There are a whole bunch of
>> things that get considered when new extension APIs are proposed including
>> safety, maintainability, performance, and yes, cross-browser compatibility.
> "this" == exposing Gecko-specific functionality, or rather, what
> Gecko-specific functionality to expose and how to expose it in general.
> With emphasis on the how. The prefixing decision (answer: no) and
> do-it-at-all decision (answer: yes) are part of that.
> Unfortunately, there isn't anything written that explains actual criteria
>> in detail (its on our radar but somewhere behind a long list of engineering
>> tasks on the short-term priority list).
> And I guess the parenthetical clause is what worries me. The people
> churning through that workload should be churning through that workload,
> and it's fine that they aren't spending time and mental space on the
> theoretical concerns of future compatibility issues or addon developer
> relations. But this is kind of a big deal for Mozilla strategically, so I
> would expect someone else to be working on the strategic plan before we
> reach the foot-shooting point.
> Hopefully, that someone would be in close contact with the engineers doing
> the work, since they have the best context and familiarity with large parts
> of the problem space, and hence their opinions deserve a lot of weight. As
> long as the consultation doesn't get in the way of getting stuff done.
> There's a ton of weight on you people's shoulders, and we don't want to add
> more.
> One person can do both strategy and tactics (or implementation) just fine,
> but it's usually not a good idea to do them at the same time. Different
> mindset, different tradeoffs.
>> My individual opinion is that something being unique to gecko or firefox
>> should not disqualify it from being exposed to extensions.  The webcompat
>> analogy doesn't really work here, the principle that the web should be open
>> and interoperable demands rigor in what gets exposed to content.  But a
>> browser extension isn't a web page, it is part of the browser itself, and
>> different browsers are inherently ... different.  They have different
>> features, different user interfaces, etc.  The fact that browser extensions
>> are built with web technology and that they modify or extend the very thing
>> that displays web content obscures this distinction, but it does make a big
>> difference.
> I agree. But it isn't completely different from webcompat, either. We have
> used up much of developer's tolerance for breaking changes, so we really
> want to try hard to minimize changes that are going to break addons. (And
> minimize the pain of such breakage -- if we have a mechanism allowing us to
> easily identify the addons that will be affected, and provide a warning and
> documentation of the change in advance, we can probably get away with quite
> a bit.)
> Anyway, containers is a good example of something that we've exposed to
>> extensions that isn't likely to be supported in other browsers any time
>> soon.  Nevertheless, we need to design APIs in a way that doesn't
>> compromise on the other areas mentioned above: maintainability, safety,
>> performance.  And, to the extent we can, we should design APIs that could
>> be adopted by other browsers if they choose to.
> Sure, and in my mind, that's the sort of tactical decisionmaking that
> *should* be done in the context of implementation. Which is different from
> the overall strategy of prefixing / opt-in imports / signing / versioning.
>     Given our position, it's a bold move that says we're willing to
>>     take the painful hit of pissing off addon authors and users
>>     because we truly believe it is necessary to produce a top-quality
>>     product.
>> There are certainly outraged addon authors out there but for what its
>> worth, we're also already getting a good amount of positive feedback from
>> both addon authors and users.
> Sorry, don't take my ranting to imply that I'm somehow unhappy with the
> work you people are doing. To the contrary, it all seems to be going
> stunningly well, which is much to the credit of your team.
>>     That's my argument for why the default answer here should be "Heck
>>     yeah! If we can provide something that other browsers don't, DO
>>     IT!" I could describe it as a fairness/good faith argument
>>     instead: we just took away a bunch of powerful tools from our
>>     users, claiming that it was for their own long-term good, so it
>>     behooves us to give back whatever we can in a more manageable
>>     form, in order to provide that promised good.
>> I think that's basically the attitude of most of the people working on
>> webextensions.  To be pedantic, the threshold is higher than "If we can".
>> I mean, we *could* expose Components to webextensions but of course that
>> would bring us right back to all the problems we're working on putting
>> behind us.
> No disagreement there.
> Again, documenting more formally specifically what it means for an
>> extension API to be safe, maintainable, performant, etc. is something we
>> know is needed. Hopefully when we come up for air after 57 we can work on
>> this (and complementary things like webextensions experiments).
> Yeah, that's not really what I'm talking about. In a way, that's the hard
> part. But it's unavoidable, and it's happening in practice, and I'm sure
> there'll be a lag in formalization while things are taking shape. That's
> probably a good thing, since it'll require experience to flesh these things
> out.
> But that's about individual APIs. I want high-level answers to the
> simultaneous questions "How are we going to expose sufficient functionality
> to provide extension authors with what they need?" and "How are we going to
> avoid shooting ourselves in the foot when we get further down the road?"
> The sort of things you read in high-level strategy documents that set down
> the goals, direction, and approach to known obstacles. (Not that I
> necessarily want such a document; they're boring and make for dull reading,
> and I'm always suspicious as to whether anyone's paying attention to them.
> But I want the thinking behind it.)
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