We are on track to make 64-bit Firefox the default build for Win64 OS,
bringing improved ASLR and fewer OOM crashes to the 70% of Windows
Firefox users running Win64.
* In Firefox 55 (August 8), the Windows stub installer will default to
64-bit Firefox for eligible users (Win64 and 2+ GB RAM).
* In Firefox 56 (September 26), we will migrate existing eligible 32-bit
Firefox users to 64-bit. About 70% of Windows Firefox users currently
run 32-bit Firefox build on Win64. Nearly all of these users can be
migrated to 64-bit Firefox.
Our Win64 project wiki has more details about the long road to making
64-bit Firefox the default:
* David Parks fixed the insidious Flash video streaming bug affecting
Xfinity and MLB! (bug 1334803)
* Bob Owen fixed the sandbox issue that prevented 64-bit Firefox from
being run from a network-mounted drive! (bug 1377555)
* Some highlights from week 2 of our Firefox 54 experiment comparing 32-
and 64-bit Firefox users:
- About 8% of Windows users have <= 2 GB RAM!
- User retention and engagement metrics (session length, # of pages, #
of tabs) are about the same for 32- and 64-bit Firefox users, regardless
of memory size.
- 64-bit content process crash rate is about the same as 32-bit for
users with 2 GB and about 20% less with 2+ GB!
- 64-bit browser process crash rate is about the same as 32-bit for
users with 2 GB and about 20% less with 2+ GB!
- 64-bit plugin process crash rate is about 50% less than 32-bit for
users with 2 GB and 80% less with 2+ GB!
We are still considering whether 64-bit Firefox should have a default
minimum memory requirement. As a placeholder value, Firefox 55 currently
requires 2+ GB, but based on the results of our experiment, we may
remove the minimum memory requirement. Microsoft's minimum memory
require for Win64 itself is 2 GB, so anyone running Win64 with less than
2 GB is having a bad time.
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