On 07/07/2017 12:29 AM, Xidorn Quan wrote:
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017, at 02:24 PM, Jet Villegas wrote:
It looks like there may be a lot more of these:

How about we just stub out the Stylo impls instead of unshipping the pseudo in 
I'm not unshipping this for Stylo... I just don't feel this is something we 
should keep at all... And I hope websites don't rely on this kind of 
browser-specific hacks :(
Sure, but it seems even more important for websites that people use and rely on to continue to work properly in Firefox, especially given that in practice websites certainly do rely on all sorts of browser-specific hacks for the better or worse. :-/

Do we have any data on how commonly these selectors are used on the Web? Usually the process for unshipping features like this is to land telemetry to detect their usage in the wild, find a way to figure out which sites do use it and figure out a plan to evangelize them off of using it (for example, adding a web console warning indicating the deprecation of the feature), waiting for a number of releases while monitoring the usage to ensure that at the removal time we certainly won't be breaking web pages for our users. Any reason why we shouldn't go through the normal process here?

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