On 6/15/17 4:12 PM, Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
> Not quite. For e10s, mouse events are sent across the process boundary
> using the PBrowser ipdl protocol. On the parent side they go into
> EventStateManager::DispatchCrossProcessEvent [1] which picks up the
> TabParent and sends it over IPC to the TabChild. The TabChild then
> dispatches it to the PuppetWidget in the content process.

Thanks for the code reference! That at least gives me a rough idea of
where all this is happening so I can maybe debug it.

> If you set the right flags on the event it should get through.
> Presumably you're creating this event from JS - you want to make sure
> that it creates a WidgetMouseEvent with eContextMenu message type. I
> don't know if that can be done without using the DOMWindowUtils APIs.
> Posting your code snippet for event creation might help.

Here's the code I'm currently using to generate a contextmenu event:
As mentioned, it works fine for creating a context menu in chrome, but
not content. (It also works fine in non-e10s content, but that shouldn't
be surprising.) I might be missing something, but when I looked in the
inspector, I didn't see any obvious differences between this event and
the original contextmenu event that I suppressed.

Maybe there's some issue with the event target? When the original
contextmenu event is fired, it says the target is the XUL tabbrowser
(#content) and the originalTarget is the XUL browser element. I've tried
dispatching my synthetic event to both, but neither does anything.

I've also tried keeping the original contextmenu event around that I
suppressed and re-dispatching that, but it doesn't work either. However,
since I called .preventDefault()/.stopPropagation() on that object, I'm
not sure I'd expect it to work anyway.

- Jim
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