On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 01:49:28PM -0400, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 6/14/17 12:23 PM, Andrew Swan wrote:
I would hope that if we have promising or widely used webextension
experiments, that the relevant peers would be aware of them when reviewing
changes that might affect them
I don't see how they would be, unless we have something like dxr for
the relevant code.
As a concrete example, how would a necko peer know that some
webextension experiment uses or doesn't use various necko interfaces?
Currently, we don't allow experiments on release builds. Or, to
be technically accurate, we allow them on release builds as of
55 if they're signed by AMO, but AMO does not currently support
signing them.
When we've talked about allowing them on release builds in the
past, the consensus has always been that they'd need to be
reviewed by appropriate Firefox or Platform peers before being
published, and we would have the appropriate ownership to update
them as necessary to maintain compatibility.
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