On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 5/11/17 10:30 PM, Eric Shepherd (Sheppy) wrote:
>> So part of private browsing and not a developer-facing feature, then?
> No, as I understand this is being applied across the board, not just in
> private browsing, and not just if tracking protection is generally enabled.

Correct, this change will apply everywhere. Normally, when a script calls
setTimeout, we enforce a minimum value on the timeout time. For foreground
tabs this is 4ms and for background tabs it's 1000ms. The change being
discussed will also factor in whether the script calling setTimeout is a
tracking script (which is defined as a <script> whose src URL is on the TP
list). So now the minimum values will be:

foreground tabs:
  tracking script: 4ms
  not tracking script: 4ms
background tabs:
  tracking script: 10000ms
  not tracking script: 1000ms

In addition, we don't consider something a tracking script for the first
30s after a page load.

(I hope everything I've said is correct. I've been following the change but
I had nothing to do with the code.)

Hope this helps,
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