On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 5:57 PM, Lars Hansen <lhan...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> We do think there are
> architectural improvements that hardware manufacturers, operating systems,
> and browsers can make [19], and we intend to investigate them.

I think that the work you cite is promising.  However, listening to
this presentation, there's a little soundbite that seems relevant to
this point.  Forgive any transcription errors, but I think that David
(the author of the paper) says:

"For example, Javascript is currently considering adding shared
memory.  That would destroy this entire model."  -- start at 27:00 for
the question and this answer.

Do you have a strategy for dealing with this problem?  The UCSD paper
doesn't provide any suggestions from what I can see.

A major issue here is that once we ship a feature like this, it's very
difficult to un-ship if we find that we need to change things to deal
with issues.  Given that we know those issues, having a framework for
dealing with those issues ahead of time would allow us to gain some
confidence that we aren't setting ourselves up for some serious pain.
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