On 05/09/2017 01:55 PM, Mike Hommey wrote:
On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 01:31:33PM +0300, Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez <emi...@crisal.io> wrote:
I think references help to encode that a bit more in the type system,
and help reasoning about the code without having to look at the
implementation of the function you're calling into, or without having to
rely on the callers to know that you expect a non-null argument.
Personally, I don't think that the fact that they're not used as much as
they could/should is a good argument to prevent their usage, but I don't
know what's the general opinion on that.
The relevant bit of the Core Guidelines is
and says:
"A pointer (T*) can be a nullptr and a reference (T&) cannot, there is
no valid "null reference". Sometimes having nullptr as an alternative
to indicated "no object" is useful, but if it is not, a reference is
notationally simpler and might yield better code."
As a result, I have an in-flight patch that takes T& instead of
NotNull<T*> where applicable, even though I do use NotNull<T*> to
annotate return values.
I agree that in principle it makes sense to use the type system
instead of relying on partial debug-build run-time measures to denote
non-null arguments when possible. That said, having to dereference a
smart pointer with prefix * in order to pass its referent to a method
that takes a T& argument feels a bit odd when one is logically
thinking of passing a pointer still, but then, again, &*foo seems like
common pattern on the Rust side of FFI to make a reference out of a
pointer and effectively asserting to the human reader that the pointer
is null.
Note that if you dereference a pointer to pass as a reference, all hell
breaks loose and your reference might just as well be null, but the
function taking the reference won't be protected against it because the
compiler will have assumed, when compiling it, that the reference can't
be null.
This is what I'm a bit worried. We're moving some null checks from callee to
caller, so need to
learn to be more careful with null checks on caller side.
But in general, using references sounds ok.
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