On Thursday, 23 March 2017 17:42:02 UTC+13, jtkel...@gmail.com  wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 1:35:06 PM UTC-5, Botond Ballo wrote:
> > Based on this new information, might there be room to reconsider this 
> > decision?
> Even if you do not reconsider the full decision, could you at least turn it 
> back on for v52, so it can ride the ESR train? This has also been mentioned 
> in the bug in question. 

That would mean having to support ALSA until the ESR expires.

> This would give users a longer period of time to try and transition to 
> PulseAudio or find a solution like apulse to keep Firefox audio working for 
> them. And it would give you more time to accept patches on the ALSA backend, 
> without impeding work on the 5.1 audio support for PulseAudio. 
> Users would have to consciously choose to use the ESR version once v53 comes 
> out, hence you will be sure that they will be aware of the potential dropping 
> of ALSA support. 
> It seems a simple fix to give the disgruntled users something and ease 
> hostilities, making things easier on all the devs involved, and give the 
> users a feeling that Mozilla listens, so they won't have another reason to 
> leave. 

The problem with re-enabling ALSA is that people will get the impression that 
we're still actively maintaining it. We're no longer maintaining the ALSA 

> Clearly a lot of people are affected. A lot of smaller distros use Firefox as 
> their default, and do not want to include PulseAudio which adds a further 
> complication and is unnecessary for nearly every other Linux app.

The maintenance cost of the ALSA backend in Firefox has an externality to these 
distributions. They can just use --enable-alsa and maintain the ALSA backend 

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