On 3/15/17 1:32 PM, Tobias Schneider wrote:
1) No there isn't any yet. Good idea to file a bug for it tho.

OK.  Please make sure this happens.

2.1) Its was quite a living spec over the time I implemented things, but
stuff seams to stabilize now.
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1243846 is tracking bug for
spec changes that we haven't addressed yet.

Do we plan to address those before shipping? The bug you linked to is marked "resolved fixed", but I assume you mean the unfixed bugs blocking it?

2.2) No signals from Safari that I know of. IE seems to have it implemented
in their preview (

Again, do we have indications of how interoperable that is with our implementation?

2.3) Platform tests are in the process of being upstreamed by Google (

That seems to be in limbo for well over a month now. jgraham just poked it in hopes of at least getting automated testing going so we find out whether Firefox passes the tests... but that will test release, afaik. Have you checked whether we pass these tests?

3) Yeah, we have some tests in place. But there wasn't an official security
review yet. Who to be the person best to talk to?

I wish it didn't take me an hour of trying and failing to answer this question.

Maybe try rbarnes and dveditz, and ask them to create some pages on
wiki.mozilla.org that would actually be findable and not explicitly marked out of date? :(

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