2017年1月27日金曜日 9時44分30秒 UTC+9 Daniel Holbert:
> On 1/3/17 4:48 PM, ktecrami...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> e.g. It seems like introductory notes example could just use a
> >> separate SVG element that had fixed positioning instead of needing to build
> >> fixed-position into SVG.
> > 
> > By "introductory notes example" do you mean the example in following link?
> > https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/coords.html#VectorEffects 
> I think that's what Jeff meant, yes.
> (Basically, can authors already solve the problems that
> "vector-effect:fixed-position" is intended to solve, by simply creating
> two different <svg> elements (in an HTML context), and styling one with
> "position: fixed">?  Here's a simple demo with a floating fixed-position
> legend, using that sort of solution:
> https://jsfiddle.net/vv9gwemr/
> )
That's what this implementation intends to do i.e. to have overall control
on all types of vector effects and their combinations on each individual 
rather than having a single effect on whole svg content, as the example you 
> Also, Jeff asked another important question -- have other browsers
> expressed any intent to implement these features?
I will look to get some info of what other browsers support and if they are 
to do it or not. will update this ASAP. By the time my info is limited to: 
SVG 2 user agent support 
SVG 2 feature support

> Also note that this feature is marked as "at-risk" of being dropped from
> this version of the SVG2 spec:
> "ISSUE 31: Values of vector-effect other than non-scaling-stroke and
> none are at risk of being dropped from SVG 2 due to a lack of
> implementations."
> https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/coords.html#issue31
> Looks like that warning was added here:
> https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/186
I am agree with you on this. Implementations make sense only if spec is fix
and no risk of being dropped. Regarding this I'm in touch with SVG2 and will 
update ASAP.


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