I can think of many potential use cases; some are small and others are larger and more involved.
I’d love to be able to have WebExtensions be able to add widgets (or even simple buttons) to the Touch Bar. It might also be helpful if the developer tools could be exposed there, if the developer chooses to do so. I’ve posted a long list on one of the Touch Bar related bugs, so I’ll just drop those two thoughts here for now. :) > On Jan 3, 2017, at 12:17 PM, Stephen A Pohl <sp...@mozilla.com> wrote: > > We are gathering ideas for possible use cases of the Touch Bar on the > new MacBookPro and would like to hear from you! What would improve your > workflow? What would help our users? > > We will develop[1] a solid 1.0 API around the top features to get the > ball rolling and will iterate on these going forward. > > Apple has outlined guidelines and best practices[1] for the Touch Bar > that are good to keep in mind. Here are some of the most important > points to consider: > 1. Design a contextual experience. Make the Touch Bar relevant to the > current context on the main screen. > 2. Use the Touch Bar as an extension of the keyboard and trackpad, not > as a display. > 3. **Don’t expose functionality solely in the Touch Bar. > 4. Avoid using the Touch Bar for tasks associated with well-known > keyboard shortcuts. > > -Stephen > > [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1313455 > [2] > https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/AbouttheTouchBar.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000957-CH104-SW1 > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org > https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-platform Eric Shepherd Senior Technical Writer Mozilla Developer Network <https://developer.mozilla.org/> Blog: http://www.bitstampede.com/ <http://www.bitstampede.com/>Twitter: http://twitter.com/sheppy <http://twitter.com/sheppy> _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-platform