This is part of the work in
<>: Now that CSS
rules are on WebIDL bindings, we can do the [PutForwards] bits that are
in the spec draft at for them.
Specifically, these:
1) On CSSStyleRule, [PutForwards=cssText] for .style.
2) On CSSImportRule, [PutForwards=mediaText] for .media.
3) On CSSMediaRule , [PutForwards=mediaText] for .media.
4) On CSSPageRule, [PutForwards=cssText] for .style.
I did spot-check Chrome and it has item #1 from the list above; I didn't
check the other items, nor in other browsers.
We already support [PutForwards=cssText] for .style on HTMLElement. We
do _not_ support [PutForwards=mediaText] for .media on stylesheets at
the moment, however.
I don't expect doing this to cause compat issues, but wanted to give
people a heads-up, especially because the spec draft seems to be in an
unknown state of stability.
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