On 12/19/2016 06:21 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:
Eric Rescorla wrote:
I'm also concerned that this spec does not seem to take into account
multipath or multihoming, both of which seem relevant here. Say that I have
a device with both a cellular and WiFi link and I attempt to use both of
them in some fashion (depending on the remote IP address), what should I be
reporting for Network Connection?
Why does it matter to Firefox what network connection I use?  I would
understand Firefox needing telemetry on system specs and how it runs
against this spec, but network information?  Really?

I mean... what's wrong with:

Firefox: Can I connect to the Internet?

    Yes: Great. Proceed to connect.
    No:  Cannot connect.  Display message. Wait for user to fix issue.

Why does Firefox (or anyone other than me) CARE I have 1, 2, or a
billion network interfaces or what type they are?  Its job is to browse
the Internet.  THAT'S IT.  If Chrome wants to add it, that's their

Because if extra bandwidth is going to cost me a week's wages, I would rather Firefox not prefetch all the links it sees on a page and look up DNS info for all of them plus anything found in them. And unfortunately, there's no simple way to guess whether the marginal bandwidth cost is zero or my meal budget for the next month. Simply looking at the type of one network interface isn't really enough.

That's not really a fair example, btw, since we're talking about a content-exposed API here. But the same idea holds -- the web site I'm visiting might not want to annoy me with 200 full motion thumbnail gifs if it knows I'm on a metered connection.

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