On Wed, Dec 21, 2016, at 11:21 AM, Tantek Çelik wrote:
> I'm also curious how interactions between dialog.showModal() and then
> controls inside of that going Fullscreen work (and then perhaps a
> dialog inside that fullscreen view, etc.) 

That's a... good question.

Per spec, it should just work. I mean, the document would enter
fullscreen, and dialog inside fullscreen view can be open as normal.

> Does "escape" key escape out of one layer of dialog/fullscreen? multiple? all?

I think, ideally "escape" key would exit fullscreen without touching any
modal dialog, whatever the opening order is. It is important for
security consideration, since otherwise the content may block user from
exiting fullscreen. I think implementor needs to take care of that (and
test should be added to verify this is guaranteed).

Another security concern is that this may allow websites to fool users
about what content is actually showing fullscreen. e.g. if I have
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/something"; allowfullscreen>, when
Youtube enters fullscreen, Firefox shows a message stating that
youtube.com is in full screen, but with modal dialog, the parent
document can actually show something different on top of the iframe.

Probably this is already doable via making the iframe and its backdrop
pseudo transparent, so it may not be a new concern. Not sure how
important this issue is. I guess we should change the fullscreen warning
to always show the origin of the top browsing context rather than the
current fullscreen document.

- Xidorn
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