Greetings, has had some recent improvements that are
worth highlighting.

- There is new documentation on how to search through crash reports:
You might think you already know how to do this, but crash-stats'
functionality for *grouping* search results is powerful and easy to
overlook, so this page is worth reading to make sure you understand it
fully. This documentation is linked to from the Super Search page
within crash-stats.

- Some crash reports contain memory reports. (The
"ContainsMemoryReport" field is set in that case.) It used to be
difficult to download this memory report, but thanks to Peter
Bengtsson it's now much easier -- when a memory report is present,
there's now a link to it from the "Raw Dump" tab of an individual
crash report. See
for an example.

- Also, something that is not in crash-stats but is closely related:
Marco Castellucio's new crash tools at There are several tools, but
probably the most widely-applicable one is, which finds
correlations for a particular crash signature. It works much better
than the existing correlations tool within crash-stats. If you have a
crash for which the cause is not obvious, this tool can be enormously
helpful -- e.g. bug 1307029 is for a generic-looking crash signature
that turns out to be highly correlated with a particular extension.

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