> Just to be clear, what counts as "artifacts" here?  The actual build? 
> The log?  All of the above?

For taskcluster, starting in May, the entire task would be expired, including 
any output from it (artifacts, logs, etc). If you look at a taskcluster task on 
try from August you will see that the task no longer exists.  However, if this 
default was ever a problem for a certain task, or if you want tasks from your 
push to try to live for longer, all of the task definitions live in tree, and 
you can update them to have a different default expiration.

Here is an example from our task transform logic.  Basically the task would 
need to define "expires-after".


For buildbot try jobs, expiring artifacts older than 14 days is any file that 
buildbot or mozharness created using TaskCluster.  I'm not sure if buildbot 
itself is doing anything to upload through TaskCluster, but mozharness based 
actions definitely do.  This could include logs.

What we are wanting to do is retroactively expire buildbot try artifacts (which 
may include some logs) older than 14 days, as well as expire TaskCluster try 
artifacts created before May that are still lingering around before we made 
this default behavior.
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