Right now the gecko gdb pretty-printers have been tracked using bugs in "Core :: Build Config" because that's where the bug that first added them lived. That component currently has 1773 bugs in it, 3 of which involve gdb, and with daily activity of ~10 bugs a day. I think a more targeted component could be useful since gdb users could watch the component without getting the comparative fire hose of Build Config. Right now notifications would need to come via explicit CC or watching for changes in dependencies of the existing bugs.

The component would presumably cover not just the gdb pretty printers but also other gdb related issues.

The triggering factor is that I made a foolish mistake with the nsTHashtable pretty-printer. It has been telling lies, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1303174 (fix on inbound, with apologies to anyone misled by the broken pretty-printer).


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