> The largest amount of responses (29.8%) said that it is a real pain to keep 
> these themes up-to-date and working

> An overwhelming majority of the respondents insist that we don't need to 
> change a thing and that other apps don't offer grand alternatives at 36.5%

I found these two an interesting contrast, although developers might
have been thinking about different things.

On 8 September 2016 at 15:41, Justin Dolske <dol...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 8:41 AM, Jared Wein <j...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> [...]
> Thanks for posting the results. A couple of observations...
>> Why do you install themes?
>> [...] At 12% of responses was closer integration with the operating system
> Do the raw responses have further detail on what OSes are involved, and what
> kind of closer integration?
> I'm guessing this is mostly Linux (due to the gazillion different desktop
> environments and OS themes), though I also see the 28th-most-used theme on
> AMO is for making Firefox look like IE8.
>> What capabilities would you like themes to have?
>> [...] Also at 3% of responses were requests from users who require larger
>> icons and improved readability of the browser's user interface for improved
>> accessibility. Not far behind, and ironically next in the order of
>> responses, were requests for a smaller browser UI (2%). These users
>> generally want to maximize the amount of screen space that web pages can
>> use.
> I'm a little surprised "make things smaller" came in so low!
> "Make things bigger" is somewhat curious... On Windows this is typically
> done by adjusting the display scaling factor in the OS settings. I wonder if
> people don't know about that, or are looking to make Firefox -- specifically
> -- larger than normal. I'm unclear on what Linux offers these days, and
> while I think OS X supports this internally it's not exposed in any UI.
> (Apple's preferred route seems to be screen zooming. Which is neat, I use it
> all the time and have normal vision.) So I'd be curious to understand this
> use-case better.
> Separately from themes, I think it would be a good idea to consider adding
> preferences UI for the default zoom-level of page content in Firefox. I
> think it's technically easy to do the same thing with chrome, but that would
> seem pretty strange to expose.
> Justin
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