Yes, people have been using the review? flag and I've bee marking that in
mozreview. The only caution I'll make is that data stewards don't typically
review the *code* that is being submitted: they review the
data/documentation. So you'll need a code review as well.

I look forward to the future with other flags as first-class citizens.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Gerald Squelart <> wrote:

> On Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 6:51:21 AM UTC+10, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
> > I'd like to welcome Chenxia Liu, François Marier, and Rebecca Weiss as
> > peers of Firefox Data Stewardship, joining Ally and myself. I'm excited
> to
> > bring a selection of people from across the organization who are familiar
> > with different products and projects within Mozilla, and I hope that this
> > reduces the time needed for people to get review.
> >
> > As a reminder, all data collection from the Firefox products, including
> > changes to telemetry histograms, should be reviewed by a data steward
> peer
> > before landing. More information about Firefox data collection can be
> found
> > at
> >
> > Please bear with the new peers as they learn the routine: it may be a few
> > days or weeks until they are fully up to speed.
> >
> > --BDS
> Welcome to the new blood!
> While I've got you here, can we please discuss one small details of the
> review process?
> The wiki page reads "please request approval by setting the *feedback*
> flag for the data collection module owner or a peer".
> With mozreview becoming more prevalent (and easy to use) for reviews,
> could we please just use the *review* flag instead? (At least for now*)
> Of course the data collection reviewer should only look at the data
> collection side, another reviewer should be nominated to look at the code.
> * A little bird told me that eventually the feedback flag will become a
> first-class citizen in mozreview. ;-)
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