I am not using MozReview yet, because I lack answers for the 2 following

Is MozReview safe for hosting security patches yet?

no. mozreview will prevent you from pushing a patch associated with a bug that isn't public.

there's parts of the mozreview infrastructure that make that complicated right now; specifically the review repository you push to is public. it's on the roadmap but we want to address the core features and UX issues first.

Also, I want to notice that, if persons who have access to security
issues are using MozReview & autoland for all their patches which are
not attached to a security issues, then this would highlight all the
remaining patches as being involve in a fix for a security issue. Thus a
simple filter on the committer name would be able to filter all security
patches. (without the need to query bugzilla)

this isn't accurate: when a patch is autolanded, the committer is set to the person who triggered autolanding, not a generic 'autoland' account. you cannot use the commiter name to filter our patches that were not autolanded.

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