On 06/23/2016 03:49 PM, Ms2ger wrote:
On 22/06/16 20:30, Lawrence Mandel wrote:
Mozilla Cross-Reference, better known as MXR (https://mxr.mozilla.org), was
taken offline on June 13, 2016, to investigate a potential security issue.
After careful review of the codebase, we have decided to accelerate the
planned transition from MXR to its more modern equivalent, DXR (
https://dxr.mozilla.org), instead of bringing MXR back online.

I wish the years of complaining about MXR had led to an equally useful
replacement for it by now.

searchfox.org actual is a very good alternative now. It has good integration 
with blame and at least so far it has
always given me the results what I've been looking for. (with dxr one may get 
occasionally rather unexpected results).
Just need to get addons/release/beta/aurora trees to searchfox.

Sad to see it go.


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