This week we enabled the Containers feature for testing in Nightly.
Containers is a way for users to have multiple browsing contexts within
the sameprofile. With these different contexts, Containersallows users
to login to multiple accounts on the same domain simultaneouslyin the
same browser window. Containers also improves privacy as it enables
users to partition their online identities and helps prevent tracking
across them.
If this capability interests you, please tryoutthe feature and provideus
withfeedback[1]. We want to ensure that the OriginAttributes
infrastructure it is built uponin platformis sound,and we would like to
validate and improve our ideas on the Containers concept. Note this
feature is an experimental Nightly only feature, thereforeit is not
goingto ride the trains.
To learn more about the feature, you can come to my lightning talk today
at the London All Hands[2] and/or read this blog post[3].
Thank you!
[1] Take this 2-minute survey or email
[2] Platform Lightning Talks
Thursday 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm (Containers will be the 5th talk)
Location: Balmoral 2/Metropole West Wing/
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