This is great!

Just few questions:

Can we debug firefox in the IDE during mochitest?

i.e.: ./mach mochitest --debugger=devenv

Does it supports nmake as well?


Wei-Cheng Pan

On 5/25/16 7:00 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> Coming soon to your local builds, Visual Studio project files will be
> generated automatically when building on Windows because we want to
> encourage more people to use them because fully-featured IDEs can be
> productivity wins.
> The Visual Studio projects now automatically target the Visual Studio
> version being used (1 week ago they would always generate VS2013 project
> files). Another new change is that unless the build configuration changes,
> the Visual Studio files won't be updated by the build system unless they
> need changed. That means if you do a pull+build when Visual Studio is open,
> you shouldn't get tons of warnings that you need to reload files to pick up
> changes.
> The Visual Studio integration isn't perfect. We'd like to encourage more
> development on Windows because that's where most Firefox users are. So if
> you'd like improvements to the Visual Studio project files, please file
> Core :: Build Config bugs.
> This change was tracked in bug 1275297. Bug 1275419 tracks a follow-up to
> allow disabling their generation.
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