​Pasting what I mentioned in #fx-team​

Regarding FFx::Extension Compatibility componen
702 bugs total, 282 of which are not marked against a particular version
​. There are ​
11 in FFx 44, 10 in FFx 45, 9 in FFx 46, 7 in FFx 47, 3 in FFx 48
​, ​
1 tracking FFx 47
​, ​
and only 44 bugs since the first of the year

I'd like to get those into the right component, and make a decision
​ on disposing ​
​of ​
the rest?

​ Emma​

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Emma Humphries <e...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Let me take a look at those.
> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Justin Dolske <dol...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Will Firefox :: Extension Compatibility also be rolled into this new ::
>> Other component?
>> (There are ~700 open bugs there still, most of which look pretty stale.)
>> Justin
>> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Benjamin Smedberg <benja...@smedbergs.us
>> > wrote:
>>> There used to be a bugzilla.mozilla.org product called "Plugins". This
>>> product has been renamed "External Software Affecting Firefox" and its
>>> component structure has been greatly simplified.
>>> It is usually not helpful to track defects in 3rd-party software in the
>>> Mozilla bug tracker. The only time we want to track those defects is when
>>> we want to make explicit outreach efforts because those defects affect
>>> Firefox users.
>>> There were previously almost a hundred different "components" for fine
>>> classification of these bugs. This was not producing good results and
>>> caused confusion for many people filing bugs. So I've asked for most of
>>> these components to be retired, and now there will be just three components:
>>> "Flash (Adobe)" - for bugs in Adobe Flash. I am triaging this list and
>>> working with Adobe when necessary.
>>> "OpenH264" - I believe Maire Reavy's team triages this component for
>>> bugs that affect our deployment of OpenH264 with Cisco.
>>> "Other" - For defects in basically all other 3rd-party software,
>>> including other NPAPI and GMP plugins, Firefox extensions, and other
>>> software such as antivirus tools, that may affect Firefox. I am triaging
>>> these bugs as necessary.
>>> --BDS
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