On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Jonathan Kew <jfkth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28/4/16 18:11, Jeff Muizelaar wrote:
>> Do we use any of the OS specific parts of ICU?
> I don't know.
> But even if we don't, I suspect that once they drop support for XP / 10.6,
> it won't be long before the project as a whole becomes increasingly
> difficult to build for those targets, as it'll start assuming support for
> compiler and/or runtime library features that aren't readily available
> there.

True, but ICU project but more willing to compromise on things like that
compared to the OS functionality mentioned below.


On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Jonathan Kew <jfkth...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:jfkth...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     We make considerable (and growing) use of ICU for various aspects of
>>     i18n support in Gecko.†
>>     The ICU project is proposing to drop support for Windows XP and OS X
>>     10.6 in version 58; I guess this will be released sometime shortly
>>     after Unicode 9.0, which is due to appear in June.
>>     Markus (in the message forwarded below) mentions October 2016; I
>>     assume that's when they expect to end support for ICU 57.
>>     So we need to decide how we're going to respond to this. Some
>>     options for consideration:
>>     (a) Adopt ICU 58 when released, and drop Gecko support for WinXP and
>>     OSX 10.6.
>>     (b) Keep Gecko on ICU 57 and Unicode 8.0 until .... when? AFAIK, we
>>     have not made any firm decisions regarding EOL for Firefox on these
>>     platforms.
>>     (c) Keep Gecko on ICU 57 code, but update its data files to support
>>     Unicode 9.0. This would take some effort on our side, though
>>     _probably_ not very much.
>>     (d) Push back against the ICU proposal to drop these platforms, and
>>     see if we can convince them to delay it. (No guarantees, though at
>>     least they're asking. If we had a specific end date to propose, I'd
>>     guess that might help our case.)
>>     In the case of either (b) or (c), we'd also need to take
>>     responsibility for handling any critical security issues that are
>>     discovered that affect the no-longer-maintained version we'd be
>>     shipping (e.g. by backporting fixes from the latest upstream version).
>>     Thoughts?
>>     JK
>>     † Except on Android, where we maintain separate code to support some
>>     features; others are simply missing.
>>     -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>     Subject:        Re: [icu-design] [icu-support] Drop Windows XP and
>>     OSX 10.6
>>     support
>>     Date:   Thu, 28 Apr 2016 08:55:55 -0700
>>     From:   Markus Scherer <markus....@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:markus....@gmail.com>>
>>     To:     icu-design <icu-des...@lists.sourceforge.net
>>     <mailto:icu-des...@lists.sourceforge.net>>
>>     CC:     ICU support mailing list <icu-supp...@lists.sourceforge.net
>>     <mailto:icu-supp...@lists.sourceforge.net>>,
>>     Jonathan Kew <jonat...@jfkew.plus.com <mailto:jonat...@jfkew.plus.com
>> >>
>>     On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Steven Loomis <s...@icu-project.org
>>     <mailto:s...@icu-project.org>
>>     <mailto:s...@icu-project.org <mailto:s...@icu-project.org>>> wrote:
>>          Jonathan and other users,
>>            Please comment on whether dropping Windows XP for ICU 58 will
>>          cause significant problems.
>>            We discussed this for 57 (as per below) but no code changes
>>     were made.
>>     For ICU 57, we were just thinking of removing some Windows XP-specific
>>        synchronization code. We decided to just keep that for 57.
>>     For ICU 58, we are looking at switching more code over to Windows
>>     Vista/7/8 APIs because Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 only support
>>     i18n APIs with LCID parameters and cannot support some languages at
>> all.
>>     Newer Windows versions added APIs that take language tag strings. This
>>     is important for an i18n library on a major platform...
>>     For how long do you plan to support Windows XP past October 2016?
>> Could
>>     you stay on ICU 57/CLDR 29/Unicode 8 until you stop supporting
>>     Windows XP?
>>     Also, Windows Vista seems to have very low market share and seems to
>> be
>>     getting dropped by vendors around the same time they drop XP.
>>     Is it ok to skip Vista and set Windows 7 as the new base for ICU 58?
>>     Best regards,
>>     markus
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