I'd also love to take this opportunity to remind everyone, especially
our newer contributors and developers, to be sure to add the
"dev-doc-needed" keyword to the appropriate bugs for any changes which
should include updates to documentation on MDN.

for details on how this system works to help us document all the good stuff.

*From:* smaug
*Sent:* Monday, Apr 25, 2016 1:19:16 AM EDT
*To:* dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org
*Subject:* Clarifications needed to 'Intent to ship' process

> based on couple of conversations we need some clarifications to
> 'intent to ship'.
> First, we aren't yet consistent enough to send 'intent to ship'
> emails. I think that takes
> just some time for patch authors and reviewers to get used to the
> process, that whenever there is some
> larger than minor web phasing API addition/removal being done, 'intent
> to ship' email to this list should be sent.
> Second, it isn't clear how we're supposed to react to the 'intent to
> ship' emails.
> I propose we require two OKs from the owners/peers of the relevant
> module (of which one could be given while reviewing the patch), and
> definitely no opposing comments from the owners/peers. But in case
> other people object... I guess we'll always have special cases and
> process can be
> improved when needed.


Eric Shepherd
Senior Technical Writer
Mozilla Developer Network <https://developer.mozilla.org/>
Blog: https://www.bitstampede.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/sheppy
Doodle: http://doodle.com/the.sheppy

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