Nicholas Nethercote <> writes:

> Hi,
> C++ constructors can't be made fallible without using exceptions. As a result,
> for many classes we have a constructor and a fallible Init() method which must
> be called immediately after construction.
> Except... there is one way to make constructors fallible: use an |nsresult&
> aRv| outparam to communicate possible failure. I propose that we start doing
> this.

Current coding style guidelines suggest that out parameters should use
pointers instead of references. The suggested |nsresult&| will be
consistent with |ErrorResult&| usage from DOM but against many other out
parameters, especially XPCOM code.

Should we special case that nsresult and ErrorResult as output
parameters should always use references, or make it also the default
style for out parameters?

I think this topic has been discussed before didn't reach a
consensus. Based the recent effort to make the code using somewhat
consistent style, should we expend on this on the wiki?

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