Do we know what happen with the data points of the end of the graph?,04b9f1fd5577b40a555696555084e68a4ed2c28f,1%5D&series=%5Bmozilla-inbound,65e0ddb3dc085864cbee77ab034dead6323a1ce6,1%5D&series=%5Bmozilla-inbound,c0018285639940579da345da71bb7131d372c41e,1%5D&zoom=1460493349005.865,1461176501000,0,10000
If I read it correctly it feels that we're having this week less pgo
builds (2/day versus 9-10/day)
This link without opt makes it more obvious:,c0018285639940579da345da71bb7131d372c41e,1%5D&series=%5Bmozilla-inbound,04b9f1fd5577b40a555696555084e68a4ed2c28f,0%5D&series=%5Bmozilla-inbound,65e0ddb3dc085864cbee77ab034dead6323a1ce6,1%5D
On 16-04-20 11:44 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
On Apr 20, 2016, at 08:16, Nicolas B. Pierron <>
Unrelated, Do we have news for clang blockers on Windows? In particular, I am
thinking about the various Sanitizers.
We haven't really talked about Clang on Windows in our build meeting/plannings.
That's not to say someone else hasn't been working on it. But I haven't seen
much bug traffic indicating that's the case.
If you make a case for Clang on Windows improving developer productivity or
improving stability, that's how you get something prioritized. Can you start a
thread on dev-builds listing the benefits?
On 04/20/2016 11:00 AM, David Burns wrote:
We have also started looking at how we can use a global compiler cache on
local builds and not just in automation. This will allow artifact-like
builds for those who are doing C++ development.
I am particularly scared about this topic for multiple reasons, including that
my system does not have a /lib directory. Is there a location where I can
learn more and contribute back to this?
Nicolas B. Pierron
dev-platform mailing list
Zambrano Gasparnian, Armen
Automation & Tools Engineer
dev-platform mailing list