On 04/18/2016 05:12 AM, Brian Birtles wrote:
In Firefox 48 I intend to turn Element.animate on by default.

We have been developing the Web Animations API behind the 
dom.animations-api.core.enabled preference and have introduced the
dom.animations-api.element-api.enabled preference for the subset of the API 
that we intend to ship at this time.

Chrome have been shipping a very similar subset of the API starting with Chrome 
36[1] and have recently updated their implementation to match the
subset we plan to ship.[2]

WebKit[3] and Edge[4] both list this as "under consideration" although some 
implementation work has begun in WebKit.[5]

This feature was previously discussed in this "intent to implement" thread: 

Bug to turn on by default: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1245000
Link to standard: https://w3c.github.io/web-animations/#dom-animatable-animate

The subset of the API we intend to ship is described in the bug above, a 
summary of which I have copied to the end of this mail. We do not intend to
ship the 'finished' promise at this time due to concern that this should use a 
cancelable promise.[6]

Does blink ship 'finished' promise?

Are there good wpt tests where we pass the same tests as other implementers?

Best regards,


[1] https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4854343836631040, 
[2] https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5650817352728576, 
[3] https://webkit.org/status/#specification-web-animations
[5] https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2015-November/027771.html
[6] https://github.com/w3c/web-animations/issues/141

Proposed API subset:

enum AnimationPlayState { "idle", "pending", "running", "paused", "finished" };

// 'Animation' will not be exposed on the global unless Element.animate is 
What does this mean? Per spec 'Animation' should be exposed in the global.

interface Animation : EventTarget {
            attribute DOMString          id;
            attribute double?            startTime;
            attribute double?            currentTime;
            attribute double             playbackRate;
   readonly attribute AnimationPlayState playState;
   readonly attribute Promise<Animation> ready;
            attribute EventHandler       onfinish;
            attribute EventHandler       oncancel;
   void cancel ();
   void finish ();
   void play ();
   void pause ();
   void reverse ();

enum FillMode {

enum PlaybackDirection {

dictionary AnimationEffectTimingProperties {
   double                              delay = 0.0;
   double                              endDelay = 0.0;
   FillMode                            fill = "auto";
   double                              iterationStart = 0.0;
   unrestricted double                 iterations = 1.0;
   (unrestricted double or DOMString)  duration = "auto";
   PlaybackDirection                   direction = "normal";
   DOMString                           easing = "linear";

// These members are read but not implemented
dictionary KeyframeEffectOptions : AnimationEffectTimingProperties {
   IterationCompositeOperation iterationComposite = "replace";
   CompositeOperation          composite = "replace";
   DOMString                   spacing = "distribute";

dictionary KeyframeAnimationOptions : KeyframeEffectOptions {
   DOMString id = "";

interface Animatable {
   Animation animate(object? frames,
                     optional (unrestricted double or KeyframeAnimationOptions)

Element implements Animatable;

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