On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 7:16 AM, Andrew Halberstadt <
ahalberst...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> This is really cool!
> Though I much prefer firefoxtree's namespace updating to keep track of
> remote heads over using bookmarks. I want a label that will always point
> to the last known head on the server, so e.g
> `hg update central && hg commit -m "Foo"` should not move 'central'.
> Using bookmarks to track the remote heads is also incompatible with my
> bookbinder extension which I've come to rely quite heavily on. This
> would be a personal blocker for me to make the switch.
> Maybe firefoxtree could be adapted to work with this new repo as well.
> Or maybe I could look into doing something with remotenames.

There is actually a mode in firefoxtree where the server can advertise the
labels. We're not using it on the unified repo yet, but we could. Let's
hash something out in bug 1264814.

> On 14/04/16 08:22 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
>> I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of some *experimental*
>> read-only Mercurial repositories containing the combined, useful history
>> of
>> the various Firefox repositories, all in chronological order and stored in
>> a more efficient format that is faster to clone and pull from and results
>> in faster client operations.
>> The repositories can be found at https://hg.mozilla.org/experimental. The
>> repository you likely want to clone is
>> https://hg.mozilla.org/experimental/firefox-unified. A visualization
>> showing the chronological history of the repo can be seen at
>> https://hg.mozilla.org/experimental/firefox-unified/graph.
>> The primary goal of these repositories is to provide developers (and
>> eventually automation) with more efficient interaction with the Firefox
>> source repositories. There are several secondary and side-benefits,
>> including improving the scalability of Try and MozReview's repositories.
>> More documentation about these repos is available at [1]. tl;dr
>> * The repositories contain all the commits from the Firefox repositories
>> you use everyday (central, inbound, fx-team, aurora, beta, esr, etc).
>> * The repositories do not contain all the *_RELBRANCH branches (which
>> basically have no value to the average developer).
>> * Thes unified repositories are ~300MB *smaller* than mozilla-central
>> despite containing ~28,000 more commits. This was achieved through light
>> magic.
>> * Mercurial bookmarks are used to track the heads of the various Firefox
>> repos.
>> * The pushlog data is derived from the first known push of a changeset, so
>> it should match what's on e.g. central, inbound, etc.
>> * Sadly, git-cinnabar won't be able to talk to these repos just yet due to
>> git-cinnabar not supporting some modern Mercurial features. A GitHub issue
>> is on file at [2].
>> If you use the "firefoxtree" extension to manage a unified repository
>> today, you should consider switching to one of these new unified
>> repositories instead: it should be faster and easier to reason about.
>> The repositories have the "experimental" label attached so we can reserve
>> the right to make changes without people complaining too loudly about
>> backwards compatibility. (But I wouldn't worry too much about stability -
>> I'm committed to keeping these running and improving them.) The goal is to
>> flush out issues with these repositories then remove the "experimental"
>> label. After that, we can have automation start consuming these
>> repositories. After that, we can perhaps start thinking about
>> consolidating
>> around a single, canonical repository, including pushing. But that's a
>> topic for another day.
>> I'm very anxious for feedback on these repositories. Please make noise in
>> dev-version-cont...@lists.mozilla.org, #vcs, the "Developer Services:
>> Mercurial: hg.mozilla.org" bug component, or in bug 1108729.
>> [1]
>> https://mozilla-version-control-tools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/hgmozilla/unifiedrepo.html
>> [2] https://github.com/glandium/git-cinnabar/issues/64
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