Engineering Productivity is off to a great start in 2016; here’s what we’ve
been up to in Q1.
Build System

Build system improvements are a major priority for Engineering Productivity
in 2016. The build team made great progress in Q1:


   Windows builds are now made using VS2015. This shaves 100 minutes off of
   PGO builds!

   Install manifest processing is up to 10x faster on Windows (10s now vs
   100s before). Tests files are now lazily installed, making builds and test
   invocation significantly faster.

   Many improvements to artifact builds, which have resulted in a 50% speed

   Artifact builds now support git-cinnabar users

   A lot of work has been done to migrate legacy Makefiles to
   files, and to move away from autoconf; more along these lines will be done
   in Q2

   Build telemetry has been added, which will allow us to track
   improvements for developer builds; this is currently opt-in, so please
   consider setting BUILD_SYSTEM_TELEMETRY=1 in your build environment to help
   us validate this

   The ICU build system has been reimplemented so it no longer excessively
   slows down builds.

The build team is a large meta-team comprised of individuals from
Engineering Productivity and several other teams; thanks to everyone who
has contributed.
MozReview and Autoland

The primary goal of the MozReview team in Q1 was to increase user adoption
by addressing various UX issues that have confused or frustrated users. To
that end, a feedback panel consisting of some of Mozilla’s top reviewers
has been created to provide a feedback loop for the MozReview developers.
We’ve identified a number of issues that impact reviewer productivity and
are working on them, starting with the top issue: lack of inline comments
in the diff viewer. We also explored confusion around the general layout
and flow of MozReview/Review Board, and working with UX designer Tiffanie
Shakespeare we’re coming up with some big changes that should improve
general usability. We have been working on a framework that will allow us
to experiment in the UI without having to completely fork Review Board.

In addition, this quarter we implemented various high-priority fixes and
improvements, including


   Disabling interdiff rebase filtering, since it was unreliable.

   Adding options to disable reviewer deduction and to publish without
   prompting when pushing commits up.

   Concatenating MozReview BMO-comment emails to reduce the volume of email
   sent out when many commits are published.

   Adding extra context to the diffs in BMO comments.

   Showing a comment button when hovering over the diff viewer, improving

   Clarifying status of reviewers in the commits table.

We’re also very close to landing two other important features: switching
from “ship it” to the standard BMO review flags (r?/r+/r-), and letting
reviewers delegate reviews to others.

Finally, autoland-to-inbound was rolled out, giving MozReview users an easy
way to land reviewed patches.
TaskCluster Migration

Engineering Productivity is helping the TaskCluster team and Release
Engineering migrate builds and automated tests from buildbot to
TaskCluster. In Q1, this involved a lot of work in crafting a docker image
that could be used to run linux64 debug unit tests successfully, and
related work in greening up the test suites in that environment. Linux64
builds and tests in TaskCluster are now running as Tier 1 in Treeherder, so
the teams are moving on to other linux64 flavors: opt, pgo, and asan.

Performance Automation

Sheriffing of performance regressions of Talos tests has moved entirely to
Perfherder; Talos no longer reports data to graphserver, and graphserver
will be retired in the future. Perfherder also now displays performance
metrics generated by AreWeFastYet <> and
AreWeSlimYet <>.

To support the e10s project, Perfherder now has an e10s dashboard
<> that can be used to view
the differences between e10s and non-e10s Talos tests.

Finally, performance benchmarks previously running in Mozbench have been
migrated to AreWeFastYet, and Mozbench has been retired.
Continuous Integration

A lot of work has been completed to support the addon signing project; this
includes taking all of the addons used by test automation and either
converting them to restartless addons and making them get installed via a
new API, or signing them in-tree. All test harnesses now work with addon
signing enforced.

For e10s, all appropriate test suites have been enabled in e10s mode on
Windows 7 on trunk, with the exception of a couple of suites on Windows 7
debug, due to ongoing assertions and leaks. All suites are running in e10s
mode on all platforms on the project branch ash
<>. All relevant test suites
have been changed to default to e10s mode when run locally, so that
developers don’t accidentally introduce new tests which are not

Try syntax has been made optional for try pushes; if no jobs are specified,
users can use Treeherder’s “Add new jobs” feature to schedule Buildbot jobs
at will post-push.

Work is continuing on automatic classification in Treeherder; this will
allow Treeherder to automatically recognize and classify (or “star”) many
existing intermittents. You can see an example here
this should be rolled out in Q2.
Mobile Automation

A |mach autophone| command has been added which allows autophone to be
downloaded, configured and run locally. All mobile Talos tests have been
migrated to autophone, which has allowed us to entirely retire panda boards.

Some enhancements to mobile automation have been made to support testing on
Android 6.0+.

It’s now possible to write WebDriver specification tests in Web Platform

Element interactability algorithm from W3C WebDriver standard landed in
Marionette; gated behind specificationLevel >= 1 capability.
Firefox UI Tests and Firefox Media Tests

Both of these suites have been migrated to mozilla-central and have
corresponding mach commands; firefox-ui-tests on linux64 debug are now run
per-checkin in TaskCluster and have try support.
Community Engagement

Engineering Productivity is actively involved in increasing community
engagement across the team. We continue to work on several approaches
related to this:

We’ve introduced the concept of “Project of the Month” in order to attract
contributors to projects which are ready and willing to accept more
community involvement. See for a
list of past projects.

During Q1, we wrapped up our second Quarter of Contribution (loosely
modeled after GSoC) successfully; see this blog post
for details on the projects involved.

Lastly, we’ve also engaged some college students in UCOSP <>
to help with code coverage; from their efforts we are now collecting some
basic JavaScript code coverage data.

We continue to find new uses for ActiveData
<>; we now have
some build
metrics for builds in automation
(caution: this is slow to load), a buildbot simulator (potentially useful
for predicting the effects of changing pool sizes of test machines),
and a prototype
of a dashboard <> which
can be used to examine JavaScript code coverage data.

There’s also a new dashboard for Release Management which displays uplift
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