Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the info. Thanks to your instructions I was able to find the Layout 
Debugger Jeff mentioned. I forgot to add that I did add the debug option in 
.mozconfig when building the nightly.

This was the full .mozconfig file
# Define where build files should go. This places them in the directory
# "obj-ff-dbg" under the current source directory
mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/obj-ff-dbg

# -s makes builds quieter by default
# -j4 allows 4 tasks to run in parallel. Set the number to be the amount of
# cores in your machine. 4 is a good number.
mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-s -j4"

# Enable debug builds
ac_add_options --enable-debug

I probably messed things up on my second attempt to build it. So no need to 
report a build error.

My use case for the Frame Tree is to visualize it in real time. So it would be 
great if I can somehow dump it from the main Firefox browser (not the Layout 
Debugger) without the need to press a button for each dump. Then I can analyze 
these dumps in real time using Node.js listening to stdout or stderror.

Another option would be to make a Firefox addon which has access to the Frame 
Tree. But then I somehow need to make the Frame Tree accessible to addons or 
JavaScript. Sounds more complicated then dumping to the terminal.

On Saturday, 9 April 2016 01:56:20 UTC+2, Daniel Holbert  wrote:
> On 04/08/2016 02:55 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> > On 04/08/2016 10:38 AM, Jip de Beer wrote:
> >> I didn't manage to dump the Frame Tree using lldb... I followed these 
> >> guides:
> > [...]
> >> I tried with Firefox, FirefoxDeveloperEdition and the nightly build (ran 
> >> lldb from Terminal as well as Xcode).
> >> I was able to attach lldb to the browser, but not output a Frame Tree dump.
> >> The code for the nightly build was unmodified. When I tried to define 
> >> DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP in layout/generic/nsFrameList.h (by uncommenting a block 
> >> of code) the build failed.
> > 
> > Please report that build failure as a bug with more details!  We likely
> > are accidentally intermixing assumptions about #ifdef DEBUG and #ifdef
> > DEBUG_FRAME_DUMP or something
> (BTW, I tested this locally, and I didn't hit any build failures. So I
> may be doing something different from you, and I'm not as sure there's a
> real build-error bug hiding here after all -- it's possible you were
> tripping over an unrelated build error of some sort.  But, if you can
> still reproduce this build error, please do report it (including details
> on the change that you made and the build error output), here:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Core&component=Layout
> )
> Anyway, as noted in my previous email, even if this nsFrameList.h tweak
> works, the better-supported interactive way to get frametree dumps is to
> generate a build with ac_add_options --enable-debug in your mozconfig,
> and to use the layout debugger's "Dump" menu.  We conceivably *could*
> add instrumentation to normal builds, but this would require shipping
> extra Gecko code that a vanishingly small subset of users would actually
> benefit from, so it doesn't seem worth it.  Depending on the use case,
> it might be better to just write & expose a more generic
> element-bounding-box-dumping tool in devtools.
> ~Daniel
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