On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 2:29 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller <
dtel...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I seem to remember that our ChromeWorkers (SessionWorker,
> PageThumbsWorker, OS.File Worker) were pretty memory-hungry, but I don't
> see any workers there. Does this mean that they have negligible overhead
> or that they are only in the parent process?

I checked the data again: they are only in the parent process, so they
don't affect content process scaling. And they're not *that* big -- here's
the biggest I saw in my data (from the Mac "large processes" data):

> 6.33 MB (04.00%) -- workers/workers(chrome)
> ├──2.15 MB (01.36%) ++
worker(resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_async_worker.js, 0x113881800)
> ├──2.11 MB (01.33%) ++
worker(resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionWorker.js, 0x1297e7800)
> └──2.06 MB (01.30%) ++ worker(resource://gre/modules/PageThumbsWorker.js,

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