So I guess this means we need to move the API out of Firefox-OS-specific APIs, and back into the regular APIs section? And this is only available to privileged code on desktop (and FxOS still), right? Chris Mills Senior tech writer || Mozilla || MDN || @chrisdavidmills > On 7 Mar 2016, at 21:55, J. Ryan Stinnett <> wrote: > > Do you like HTML? Do you like to build core browsing UI for desktop > Firefox? Now you can have both together! > > In more detail, <iframe mozbrowser> is now enabled[1] on desktop Firefox. > This makes it possible to create frames for displaying web content (similar > to a <xul:browser>) from HTML chrome pages. This is the same system that > B2G has used for some time to display web content from an HTML UI. (This > feature is not available to web content and is not meant to be used there.) > > This gives us a core building block that can be used to build a fully HTML > browser UI. Of course, the existing UI has many XUL / XBL dependencies, but > this is at least one step. The DevTools team plans to use this new feature > quite soon as part of a refreshed Responsive Design Mode. Additionally, it > should make it easier for projects like browser.html to run from unmodified > Firefox. > > By default, <iframe mozbrowser> can't access the storage used by > <xul:browser> for cookies and other site data, making it hard to share page > state across the two browser frame types. An additional feature <iframe > mozbrowser noisolation> has been added, which gives the frame access to the > same storage as <xul:browser>. This is only meant for use on desktop > Firefox to allow HTML and XUL browser frames to work together. > > [1]: > > - Ryan > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > > _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list