Le mardi 2 février 2016 02:08:51 UTC+1, Ralph Giles a écrit :
> We intend to support the Opus audio codec in mp4 fragments and files.
> Opus is a royalty-free audio compression format developed by Mozilla
> (Xiph), Microsoft (Skype), Broadcom and others. It offers better
> quality for both voice and music, scaling over a wider range of
> network speeds and with lower latency than previous codecs. It's been
> in Firefox for several years and on its own is a manditory part of the
> WebRTC specification.
> MP4 is the most widely used video format on the web today.
> Combining the two will give us a way to record and play back
> interactive WebRTC streams with Opus audio and h.264 video, which
> currently doesn't work because they have different container supports.

No, you can support H264 in Matroska in Mozilla just fine. It just takes a few 
lines of codes.

> We also hope to make it easier for site authors to take advantage of
> better compression technology by reducing migration barriers for
> established code based on the mp4 container.
> The plan is to support this through the mp4 parser rewrite Matthew
> Gregan and I are doing in the rust programming language, so
> availability will be gated by --enable-rust as well as a pref, likely
> media.mp4.opus.enable. Currently that would limit it to official
> builds on MacOS X and 64-bit Linux, but I hope there will be more
> soon.
> We do not have a target release for this yet. Whenever we feel the
> specification is sufficiently stable.
> More about Opus at https://opus-codec.org/
> Draft spec at https://opus-codec.org/docs/opus_in_isobmff.html
> Comments welcome,
>  -r

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