While maybe not super quick, this is a great update. Thanks Mike for all the hard work you and your team have done on pushing hard on this, and likewise a big thanks to those who have helped implement the various aspects of this!
- jst On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Mike Taylor <mi...@mozilla.com> wrote: > Howdy dev-platform (cross-posting fx-team for maximum synergy), > > A quick update on our progress of implementing the WebKit related deps of > Bug 1170774. > > In Bug 1213126 we set layout.css.prefixes.webkit to true by default to let > it ride the trains and see if anything exploded. Not surprisingly, some > stuff blew up. > > So since Bug 1238827, we're restricting layout.css.prefixes.webkit=true to > non-Release builds. > > (If you want to learn what layout.css.prefixes.webkit enables, check out Bug > 1170789 and its CSS deps. One other DOM interface is behind the pref, > > Bug 717722: implement WebKitCSSMatrix > > This fixes a ton of mobile sites. The Compat Spec stuff was moved into the > Geometry spec making WebKitCSSMatrix an alias of DOMMatrix (after changing a > few things to make it compatible). Apple and Google have bugs on file to do > this, which is cool.) > > The following are things that we discovered we needed to be compatible with > the web once you support some WebKit prefixed stuff since turning on > layout.css.prefixes.webkit. > > - Bug 1239799: Add support for "@media (-webkit-transform-3d)" as a media > query for 3d transform support. > > Turns out some sites using older versions of Modernizr will only do 3d > transforms if you support this. So now we do, and we've specced it: > https://compat.spec.whatwg.org/#css-media-queries-webkit-transform-3d > > - Bug 1236979: send 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'webkitAnimationEnd', etc. events > instead of their standard equivalents, if listeners only exist for prefixed > event name. > > Lots of (mapping) sites break if you don't do this. And probably more things > we don't know about. Edge, Safari, and Blink all do this, so now we do too. > (Yes, it's gross and weird.) A PR is in progress to get this specced in DOM. > > - Bug 1241021: Support camel-cased and webkit-cased CSSStyleDeclaration > attributes for getting & setting WebKit prefixed styles > > Some sites do things like $(foo).css('-webkit-bar', 'baz'). We found a lot > of image sliders break if you don't support this. In order for that to work, > you have to support setting/getting elm.style['WebkitTransition'] in > addition to elm.style['webkitTransition']. > > But wait, there's more. > > - Bug 1246796: Add support for elm.style['-webkit-foo'] style CSSOM > getters/setters. > > Yeah. Apparently every single browser except us supports this (for their own > prefixes too). Fun. > > - Bug 1248444: Allow writing to cross origin style sheets > > All non-Gecko browsers will let you write to a 3rd party stylesheet via > insertRule (even though CSSOM says this is a SecurityError). We need to do > some careful research here to make sure we can safely do the same. > > - Bug 759568: Implement -webkit-background-clip: text; > - Bug 1247777: Implement -webkit-text-fill-color > - Bug 1248708: Implement -webkit-text-stroke > > These three are all related to fancy typography effects that sites use with > -webkit- prefixed gradients. If you support gradients but not these, you're > gonna have a bad timeā¢: https://cloudup.com/cVP9AppLMAv > > dholbert has a good proposal to ignore webkit-prefixed gradients if you find > -webkit-background-clip: text in the same rule. That should allow us to ship > enable our webkit support without being blocked on these three bugs (and > without regressing Release's behavior for this typography gradient > clipping). See Bug 1248785 for that. > > The following things have been disabled: > > - Bug 1249134: disable -webkit-appearance alias for now. > > The behavior between -moz-appearance and -webkit-appearance is too different > to be useful. We have https://github.com/whatwg/compat/issues/6 filed to > spec the way -webkit-appearance is used (and how designers rely on it for > fancy forms), and once we're there we'll be following up with bugs against > Gecko. > > - Bug 1237720: put "-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio" behind it's own pref and > disable it. > > Supporting this fixed a number of mobile sites, but unfortunately broke > Google Docs on HiDPI devices. :( So it's disabled for now. Maybe it will > come back one day. > > Things we've already shipped, or are riding the trains: > > - Bug 920734: window.orientation / orientationchange event support (44) > - Bug 264412: element.innerText (45) > - Bug 823483: Percentage max-width does not seem to affect contributions to > intrinsic min-width (46) > > Lots and lots of sites are fixed as a result. \o/ > > If you only use Release or Beta, consider using Nightly Fennec to see a lot > of improvements. And please keep reporting strange bustage you see in Dev > Edition or Nightly Desktop that is fixed by toggling > layout.css.prefixes.webkit to false and needinfo? :miketaylr. > > Big thanks to bz, dbaron, dholbert, foolip, hallvors, heycam, karlcow, > wchen, roc, zcorpan, and many others for patches, reviews, spec comments. > > (OK, this wasn't such a quick update) > > later, > > -- > Mike Taylor > Web Compat, Mozilla > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org > https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-platform _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-platform