Reftest is the last major test harness still not using structured logs,
but that should change by the end of the week. See bug 1034290 [1] for
more details.

I've tried my best to make sure things like reftest-analyzer,
leak/assertion checks, crash detection, etc. all continue to work. But
due to the sad lack of tests for the harnesses themselves, it's possible
that I missed something. So if you see anything not working like it
should, please file a bug blocking bug 1034290 [1] and CC me.

What does this change mean for reftest? In the short term, nothing
should be different save that reftests will start working with tools
that depend on structured logging (e.g ActiveData, auto-starring, etc).
In the medium term, it means we'll be able to tweak the log format
without breaking anything (once consumers that are still parsing the
formatted log get updated). In the long term, structured logging will be
a foundation upon which new data driven tools will be built.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

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