This was demonstrated at Mozlando by gardnt and jonasfj.

To use it:
* add --interactive to your try syntax
* wait for the task to start running
* click on "Inspect task" hyperlink
 * bottom left of page when you click a job on Treeherder
* click on 'private/docker-worker/shell.html' under artifacts
* wait a bit until you see a prompt

Notice, the actual job won't be executing. It simply helps you inspect
what is installed in the docker image.

At the moment, I've only tried this with a build docker image.


Allows ssh-like access to running containers. Will extend the lifetime
of a task to allow a user to SSH in before the container dies, so be
careful when using this feature. Will also keep the task alive while is
connected and a little bit after that so a user can keep working in ssh
after the task ends.

The slides (--interactive is mentioned 3/4 through the deck) :

Zambrano Gasparnian, Armen
Automation & Tools Engineer
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