On 12/14/15 7:36 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 6:58 PM, Cameron Kaiser <ckai...@floodgap.com>
That said, I kind of object to the fact that no one brought this up until
I noticed it in passing, and the work to get Rust up on a tier-3 platform
-- a language that currently has no relevance to those platforms other than
this purpose -- is certainly more than it is to keep the compiler
maintained, which I don't think is acknowledged. Everyone expects Servo to
demand Rust, but there wasn't really any warning about Gecko doing so.

There have been serious discussions about adding Rust components to Gecko
for well over a year. Basic Rust support has been in mozilla-central since
May (https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/b811c7d4f39b) - about the
same time Rust 1.0 (stable) was released. By the time we ship a Rust
component in Firefox, Rust stable and basic build system support will be
over 1 year old. To say there hasn't been any warning about shipping Rust
in Gecko just isn't true.

That's not what I said. Even though I politely contest your assertion that it was well-noticed -- I even searched and found a grand total of *two* threads directly related to Rust in this newsgroup prior to this thread, and one was about Servo -- no one had said anything about Rust being *demanded* by Gecko, period. If those discussions happened somewhere else, then there should have been some acknowledgement here, since after all this newsgroup does ostensibly deal with the platform.

Even though I can't argue it's unreasonable to allege the presence of Rust code should imply that one day it might be obligatory, no one seemed to realise (or be interested) that making it obligatory could be a portbreaker, and that's the part that stinks.

Cameron Kaiser
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