This API doesn't seem to work for nested workers (which Blink doesn't
implement), does it? Since there's no way in the window to get hold of
a reference of a sub-sub-worker.

It also doesn't seem possible for a worker to convert to the timeline
of a parent window, since there's no object representing the parent of
a worker.

/ Jonas

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> Summary: A new method on Performance that allows translating a timestamp
> from one timeline to another.  The idea is that you can take a
> value or performance mark from some other global and
> convert them to the timeline of your global.  It works like this:
>   var myTime = Performance.translateTime(otherTime, otherGlobal);
> where otherGlobal is a Window, Worker, SharedWorker, or ServiceWorker.
> Bug:
> Spec:
> Target release: 45
> State in other UAs: Chrome plans to implement, unclear on the others.
> -Boris
> P.S. I'm not doing the impl work, just the paperwork.
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