On 10/23/2015 5:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
Can this be solved without migrating c-c into m-c?

Would it be possible to create a thunderbird build system which simply
takes the output of a firefox build and grabs the files that it needs,
and builds the additions that thunderbird needs.

Not without reversing major decisions made in the past 7 years. Back in 2008, there was an idea of making a common platform runtime that Firefox and TB could easily both shared--you may know this runtime better as XULRunner, and its fate has been to die a miserable death. The split tree aspect was annoying but tolerable until about the time certain XPCOM changes required us to link all binary code into libxul (5 years ago?). The moz.build rewrites have required increasingly major contortions to keep working. Patches to make a mozilla-central work better in this platform-regard have been rejected in the past.
The goal of putting seamonkey and thunderbird in separate trees has
always been to make firefox development easier, not harder. That
should include the build system.

And the point of this thread is that it hasn't, and I can't emphasis this point enough. The current split is causing extreme pain on both sides of the divide, and I fear that the people who object to this have no conception of just how bad of a problem this has been. It's a case of grievously wounding those who make silent, heroic efforts against the theoretical pricks of someone who may not even exist.

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

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